
Photo: Max Biskup
Conference “Music International”
Location: Vienna, Austria
Music Estonia was invited to participate in music strategy discussions led by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service, and Sport of Austria, attended by representatives from both the European Commission and nearly 100 Austrian music industry stakeholders.
Representatives from the following organizations presented at the conference: Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service, and Sport, Austrian Music Fund, Austrian Society for Contemporary Music, Music Theatre Days Vienna, MuFA – Music for All, MICA – Music Austria, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Austrian Economic Chamber, Austrian Music Council, Wiener Festwochen, Austrian Composers Association, Austrian Music Export, IFPI Austria, Universal Edition, International Music + Media Center, University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Musician’s Guild Austria, various collecting societies, MuTh – Concert Hall. People from Klangforum Wien, other orchestras/ensembles, and artists of different genres will also attend.
A representative from Music Estonia was invited to participate with the aim of learning about strategies and goals for developing music export in Estonia, including how our country’s development center and export office were established, how the management structure is built, where input comes from, which organizations are collaborated with both domestically and internationally, and what ongoing activities and strategic future visions are.
The presentation on the topic “Networking and Export: Music Strategy in Estonia” was delivered by Music Estonia’s Director, Ave Sophia Tölpt.
Moderation: Hannes Tschürtz
09:00 Registration and Coffee
09:30 Welcome
Stefan Hahn, Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service, and Sport
09:40 EU Initiative “Music Moves Europe”
Susanne Hollmann, European Commission
10:00 EU Study “Boost the capacity of European music export”
Franz Hergovich, MICA
10:30 Networking and Export: Music Strategy in Estonia
Ave Sophia Maria Tölpt, Music Estonia
11:00 Coffee Break
11:20 Study “Value Creation of the Music Industry in Austria 2024”
Anna Kleissner, Econmove / paul und collegen
11:50 Perspectives from Practice
OSKA and Annemarie Reisinger-Treiber, Parramatta
Thomas Heher, Waves Vienna
Daniela Neumayer, Jazzfestival Saalfelden
12:30 Group Discussions
13:30 Summary
Kathrin Kneissel, Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service, and Sport
Followed by an Invitation to the Networking Lunch